【專題座談會】Speaker design with LOUDSOFT
電聲聯盟為鼓勵產業界與學生投入「電聲領域」,並提升系統設計模擬分析能力,特舉辦 “喇叭設計系列課程”-【Speaker design with LOUDSOFT】;提升其對「電聲領域」的相關知識與興趣。目的為國內電聲產業推動相關產品設計之學理、技術開發與應用,促進產官學術交流,輔導產業發展技術與培育所需之人才。
主題:Speaker design with LOUDSOFT
時間: 2015 / 11 / 10 (二) 10:30~12:30
地點:逢甲大學 第二國際會議廳
主辦單位 : 逢甲大學 電聲產學技術發展與驗證聯盟 電聲碩士學位學程
LOUDSOFT introduction
Peter Larsen has designed numerous world renowned transducers from 10mm up to 15inches. Especially new and demanding designs are interesting. Peter has many patents and can work with you regarding your special project even if this is completely new and different technology.
From 1993 Peter Larsen has worked as an independent consultant for leading loudspeaker factories all over the world. During his career the Ringradiator, the new Racetrack woofer and a 15mm Mobile receiver has been developed among several hundred other transducers. Complete High End enclosure systems and Monitors are among the latest additions.
Peter Larsen is still very active as a consultant in all kinds of loudspeaker and headphone projects, which helps him to understand the practical problems and find the best software and test solutions to address them. In this way the customers are the most valuable resource by requesting new special features and thereby inspiring further interesting solutions.
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